Website visitors aren’t enough! Here’s how we can help you get more qualified leads!

Facebook Leads


A qualified lead for a business owner is a potential customer who has shown a genuine interest in the products or services offered by the business and is likely to make a purchase or become a loyal customer in the future. A qualified lead typically meets certain criteria that make them a good fit for the business and more likely to convert into a paying customer.

Unfortunately, it's all too common for marketing companies to focus on driving website traffic at the expense of quality leads. While a high volume of website visitors may look impressive on paper, it doesn't necessarily translate into more sales or revenue for a business. In fact, a strategy that prioritizes website traffic over qualified leads can end up wasting valuable time and resources.

Facebook Leads
Here is where we come in:

Thrasker can help businesses generate quality leads through targeted Facebook advertising campaigns. By leveraging the wealth of data available on Facebook, Thrasker can create custom audiences based on demographics, interests, and behavior, ensuring that the right people see the ads. Our team creates engaging ad content that speaks directly to the target audience, increasing the likelihood of a click-through and, ultimately, a conversion. The ads can be optimized and refined over time based on performance data, ensuring the business gets the most bang for its advertising buck.

The first step to obtaining a quality lead is determining a quality audience.

Determining a quality audience on Facebook is essential to running effective and efficient ad campaigns. Here are some steps to help identify a quality audience:

  • 1. Identify business goals: Before defining a quality audience, it's important to identify the goals of the ad campaign. Are you looking to increase brand awareness or drive sales? Understanding the goals will help narrow down the audience.
  • 2. Analyze customer data: Reviewing customer data can provide valuable insights into the target audience's characteristics. Look at demographics, interests, and behavior to identify commonalities among existing customers.
  • 3. Use Facebook insights: Facebook Insights is a powerful tool that provides data on the people who like and engage with a business page. This information can help identify characteristics of a quality audience and inform ad targeting.
  • 4. Create custom audiences: Facebook allows businesses to create custom audiences based on website visitors, customer email lists, and engagement with previous ads. These custom audiences can help ensure that the ads reach people who have shown an interest in the business.
  • 5. Utilize lookalike audiences: Lookalike audiences are groups of people who share similar characteristics with an existing customer base or custom audience. This can help expand the reach of an ad campaign to people who are more likely to be interested in the business.

The second step to obtaining a quality lead is determining how they convert.

Many directions can be taken in encouraging a quality lead to reach out and respond to your ad. Here are some steps we take to determine the best avenue for conversions:

Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook lead ads are a type of ad format designed specifically for lead generation. These ads make it easy for people to provide their contact information to businesses without ever having to leave Facebook.

When someone clicks on a lead ad, a pre-populated form appears, typically asking for information such as name, email address, and phone number. Because the form is pre-populated with the user's information, they can quickly and easily submit their contact details with just a few taps or clicks.

Lead ads can be highly effective at capturing leads because they reduce the friction associated with filling out a form. By minimizing the effort required from the user, lead ads can increase the likelihood that someone will provide their contact information.

Facebook Messenger

Generating quality leads using Facebook ads with Messenger as the contact method involves creating an effective Facebook ad campaign, setting up a Messenger bot, and engaging with potential customers in a personalized and timely manner. Here are the steps we follow to generate quality leads using Facebook ads with Messenger:

  • 1. Define your target audience: Firstly, we identify your target audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and other relevant factors. This helps create a targeted ad campaign that resonates with your potential customers.
  • 2. Create an engaging ad: Our team designs a compelling set of ads that grab your target audience's attention and encourage them to click on it. We include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that directs users to your Messenger bot.
  • 3. Set up a Messenger bot: Enable a Messenger bot that can interact with users who click on your ad. Our team will generate common questions and answers that provide relevant information and offer solutions to potential customer problems.
  • 4. Capture user information: Use your Messenger bot to capture user information such as name, email, and phone number. This information can help you follow up with potential customers and convert them into leads.
  • 5. Engage with users in real-time: Use Messenger to engage with potential customers in real-time. Respond to their inquiries, offer solutions to their problems, and provide personalized recommendations based on their needs.
  • 6. Nurture leads: Use Messenger to nurture leads by sending follow-up messages, providing valuable content, and offering exclusive deals or promotions.
  • 7. Measure and optimize: Monitor the performance of your ad campaign and Messenger bot, and optimize them for better results. Use metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate, and engagement rate to measure the effectiveness of your campaign and make data-driven decisions to improve it.
Phone Call Conversions

Generating quality leads using Facebook ads with phone calls as the contact method requires a slightly different approach compared to Facebook Messenger. Here are the steps we follow to generate quality leads using Facebook ads with phone calls:

  • 1. Define your target audience: Firstly, we identify your target audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and other relevant factors. This will help you create a targeted ad campaign that resonates with your potential customers.
  • 2. Create an engaging ad: Our team designs a compelling set of ads that grab your target audience's attention and encourage them to click on it. Make sure to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that directs users to call your business.
  • 3. Set up call tracking: Use a call tracking service to track phone calls from your Facebook ad campaign. This will help you measure the effectiveness of your ad campaign and optimize it for better results. We strongly support CallRail for tracking purposes.
  • 4. Offer an incentive: Provide an incentive for users to call your business, such as a discount or a free consultation. This will encourage users to take action and call your business.
  • 5. Answer calls promptly: Ensure that you or your team members answer calls promptly and provide high customer service. This will help you build trust with potential customers and increase the chances of converting them into leads.
  • 6. Qualify leads: Use the phone call to qualify leads by asking questions and understanding their needs. This will help you determine if they are a good fit for your business and if they are likely to convert into paying customers.
  • 7. Follow up: Follow up with leads who have expressed interest in your business but have not yet converted. This can be done through phone calls, emails, or text messages.
  • 8. Measure and optimize: Monitor the performance of your ad campaign and call tracking, and optimize them for better results. Use metrics such as call duration, conversion rate, and lead quality to measure the effectiveness of your campaign and make data-driven decisions to improve it.

In conclusion, Thrasker can help your business find more qualified leads using digital marketing by leveraging the latest marketing tools and techniques to reach your target audience more effectively and efficiently. With a focus on data-driven strategies and a deep understanding of your business goals, Thrasker can help you create a custom digital marketing plan that drives results and maximizes your return on investment. Whether you are looking to generate more leads through social media, search engines, or email marketing, Thrasker has the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals. So why wait? Contact us today and start generating more qualified leads for your business through digital marketing.